Monday, September 2, 2013

Holy, Holy, Holy......

When I was in my early twenties and began my search for truth and peace I lived several blocks away from Harvard University. The area was a hub for humanistic thinkers and a breeding ground to indulge in eastern philosophies, from restaurants to reading rooms, all doors led to “god’s love”.

For someone who was broken, depressed and desperately longing for love and peace it was like walking into a maze hoping to find the right path.  I remember someone recommending the Course of Miracles, they said this should help me find what I needed, forgiveness which would lead to love. The book was designed to help me achieve spiritual formation.

 One night my roommate invited me to go meditate with a group who promised we would feel love and peace like never before.  There we sat legs crossed eyes closed in front of some god chanting ohms for an hour. Needless to say I walked out the same way I walked in, empty, depressed and desperate. No love, no peace, no forgiveness.Why?

What I didn’t know was I couldn’t find or understand the true love of God until I had a divine encounter with the holiness of God.  Today, many false voices claim the love of god but only biblical truth declares a HOLY GOD.

The book of Isaiah tells us that the Prophet saw the King, the Lord of Host, and his kingdom, the King was on a throne and the train of His robes filled the temple. He saw the power of God and he saw the glory of God. He saw the angelic beings worshiping Him saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty…”

What was Isaiah’s response:


Isaiah 6:5

Then I said,

“Woe is me, for I am ruined!
Because I am a man of unclean lips,
And I live among a people of unclean lips;
For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.

What struck me about this passage and I would be bold enough to say struck Isaiah was that he saw that God was holy.  We all have heard so many teachings on the love of God but so few about the holiness of God.  I suggest that if we really meet GOD the first thing we will notice is He is a Holy God, unlike any other.  Can we truly understand the love of God without seeing his holiness?

What would you say is the most fundamental character of God? My answer, God’s holiness because the WORD tells us so.  When we see this Holy God our first reaction isn’t to run to Him, but run from Him.  We cry just like Isaiah and many others did, “Woe is me, for I am undone!” Without an understanding of His Holiness how can we realize we need to be cleansed.

 I was searching for peace and love when I truly needed a revelation of the Holiness of God in my life.  If I had not encountered His Holiness I would have never experienced His love.

There is a divine order that starts with the realization that God is Holy. We cannot love God until we have seen Him as Holy.

This is the pattern of worship in the throne room "Holy,  holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come."

Let His Holiness do the cleansing so that Love can do the restoring. 

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