Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Wisdom Defined…

Today, wisdom sits like a monument of old behind the ropes and watchful eyes of those who do not understand her. Daily people walk by and admire her lines and the beauty of her craftsman’s touch. They marvel at the detail and forever talk but fail to comprehend. They stare, admire and even gaze but eventually grow bored. As they leave to satisfy their own selfish desire, wisdom still speaks to all who will stop and listen…

In antiquity wisdom was the defining measure that separated the thinker from the fool and the leader from the follower. Though seldom rich wisdoms teacher possessed a priceless insight: For their truths taught men principle over possession. While fools looked to claim castles and titles the students of wisdom possessed valor, morals, bravery, justice and truth. In a world where “might made right” the wise are oft remembered and their words revered while the fool is mocked for their folly and failure.

Then there are others who are wise in delicate works of arts, histories and craft but still they lack a depth that allows them to discover the wells from where wisdom is born. Forever they build, create and speak great prose but get lost in their own words and deeds forever missing the deeper truth.

Today, wisdom is void, replaced and renamed by something altogether more sinister than foolishness. In today’s world of technology and pride wisdom has been replaced by greed of self and arrogance of creation. No longer the words of the wise even breech the walls of these men’s understanding. They have long ago passed her by for the works of their own hands. For some they claim they have collected her and keep her safe within their homes. But they ignore her and as she gently weeps.

Alas, all seems lost in an age where wisdom is ignored…

But what of those who hear and comprehend wisdoms call? What of those who are no longer intrigued by greed or self and technologies great claim? In them the craftsman’s lines reveal a secret truth that is discovered deep with wisdom’s own story.

Speaking with a soft boldness and inner strength wisdom invites the hungry soul to dwell with the craftsman. Then, the new student of wisdom becomes a new work of within His hands. With each journey, trial and victory another line is carved into the “work” of His hands. Molded and formed they who listen allow themselves to heed wisdom’s call and become the newest fashioned work of wisdom. Her title: To love truth and justice, to walk humbly and virtuous before God, and to love THE TRUTH with all their heart, mind and soul.

Glimpses of wisdom are seen everywhere but only understood in one place, the words of the craftsman’s greatest work, The Bible.  And so, those who do more than just read but desire to understand allow the grace of His Holy Spirit to open their mind and soul to wisdoms call. Above all within the pages of the Bible wisdom is read. For those who embark on this noble quest they will discover their lives are interwoven within the pages of this Sacred Script.

The woman who heeds wisdom’s call is to be envied above all. It is not her wealth, beauty or youth that makes her wise but the words she speaks and life she lives. In her actions and silence she speaks more words than will ever be recorded. And in her tears and prayers are volumes born from deep truth.

Yes, youth eternal but never more than wisdom…
Yes, wealth is powerful but never more than wisdom…
Yes, beauty is captivating but never more than wisdom…

If one has been blessed with youth, wealth and beauty but is a fool then they are poor. But if one is blessed with His wisdom they are forever rich!

Author, Joshua-Paul Johnian/Nov 25,2012

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