Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Kingdom; True Freedom and Equality

Years ago I was at women’s meeting and the older women were talking about the decline of morality in our society.  As a young women in my early twenties I did not realize the urgency and importance of the conversation.  As I heard them talking about the end of the age being upon us I was literally thinking some of the comments were hyperbole and completely outlandish.  More than two decades have passed since I sat in the midst of those godly women and have come to realize that even their worse hyperbole can’t come close to the decline we are currently seeing today.

Only two in a half decades have past since that conversation and there has been a complete redefinition of truth, morality, how humans communicate, connect, entertain, educate and the list goes on and on. But the greatest concern I see is the church conforming to this redefinition and encouraging disciples to evolve since society is evolving. It’s a terrible day when alleged theologians, pastors and teachers are taking the Word of God and redefining it’s meaning in the name of love.

The message of the Kingdom of God is far more powerful and liberating than the co-exist rant our modern evolving society so easily embraces.  There is a depth to the absolute truth of the message of gospel that resonates in the spirit of man. What society has done is dilute the truth with its man made philosophies tearing down its original purpose which is to bring freedom to humanity.

The truth is the Kingdom message is one of true equality. The book of Galatians tells us there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. The Lord has no favorites however he does not rule His Kingdom like a democracy nor does He accept everyone’s opinions about anything and everything.  The message of the Kingdom does mean there are no ethnic, geographical, cultural or moral barriers for those who have repented by turning away from that which God calls sin. Only then is true forgiveness extended and a NEW LIFE IN HIM begins. When we are His and live according to the reality of the Kingdom we become a regenerated man, by the Spirit! How’s that for equality and acceptance!!!!! Now that is how God’s love wins!

To all contemporary thinkers, theologians, pastors and seekers who boldly declare freedom is found in the message that no longer stands on the infallible Word of God I would like to echo the words of George Orwell.

         “The more I hear people screaming freedom, freedom, the more I hear their chains rattling.”

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