Thursday, August 15, 2013


There is a casting call that has gone out for roles in the greatest story ever told. It’s an intense drama full of love,forgiveness and faithfulness.  Auditions are open to those who have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise and will endure until the day of the redemption of all things (Ephesians 1:13).  All types of characters are needed and everyone will be cast as the Author has prepared a role for all who come. (Ephesians 2:10)

The name of this stage production:

The Lord's Rescue Mission

Within this great story there are millions of sub plots that have never been heard.  Millions of anonymous prophets, priests, secret evangelists, housewives, business men/women, intercessors and even “outcasts/Samaritans ” at work rehearsing their lines for the day of the great curtain call.

For some reason this past month or so I have been blessed to hear some of these hidden sub plots. These stories have been of great comfort to me; lessons on the mercy and grace of God.  I have learned that the Lord extends His Mighty right hand of fellowship up until a soul is going to cross over into eternity.  Peter’s words saying the Lord is patient with us, not wanting any to perish but everyone to come to repentance is the absolute truth.

Who are these “outcasts/Samaritans” working hard to listen to the Director's cues?  They are the ones who in spite of rejection will continue to play their role knowing that there are many other “outcasts” in need of rescuing. 

 I sat and listened to one of these “outcasts” tell me a story that left me once again saying, “Lord, you are good and your mercy endures forever”.  

The outcast had been walking down a city street and saw a person who looked familiar they suddenly realized as young boys they use to play together. After a quick introduction this friend knowing this outcast had been raised in a Christian home, says I just accepted Jesus as my Lord.   Do I truly believe this was a coincidence? No, it was a God-coincidence.  The young man who had made a confession of faith was a recovering heroin addict and a thief.  As the outcast heard his testimony he offered to spend time with him each night reading the Bible and praying.  The new convert gladly agreed and they spent many nights studying the scriptures.

After months of study the outcasts phone rang with news that the convert had been arrested for theft and possession of narcotics.  By God’s grace the convert was ordered to participate in a one year Christian rehabilitation program.

As time passed the outcast was praying and he felt the Lord tell him to write his friend letters that would cover various biblical topics. His first letter was a seven page “sermon” on how to walk in the Spirit. The outcast wrote these letters knowing he would never receive a response since it was against the rehabilitation centers rules.

Recently the outcast heard his friend has received the letters and they have been a great comfort to him.  In fact, he was told the first letter remains in his pocket everywhere he goes.  

As I hear of these hidden sub-plots I can’t help but think of the words of King David:

When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them?
 You have made them a little lower than the angels
    and crowned them with glory and honor.

If you have a hidden sub-plot you would like to share feel free to leave it in the comment section. I would love to hear from you.

In Him,

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