Saturday, January 26, 2013


Luke: 24 : 13-32
One of my favorite stories in the bible is when the two on the road to Emmaus encounter Jesus along the way without even realizing it.  Suddenly, I see a picture of my husband and I conversing about the recent events on the same road. Similar to the two on the road we experience this host of emotions that go from lack of hope, failure, to encountering a stranger along the way that may be a source of encouragement to finally realizing it was Jesus Himself burning our hearts with HIS TRUTH. 

They like us had such anticipation that Jesus was the one that was going to deliver them. Before the two could understand what was happening and who this stranger was they needed to be prepared.  What was the problem? Why couldn’t they see it was Him? Could it be that they like us  were reading the scriptures from the wrong point of view? Could it be that we are reading the scriptures through the pink lenses of post-modern Christianity and neglect to expound in order to understand where true deliverance comes from?  

When the Bible says Jesus interpreted to them the things about Himself he didn’t do it from a few verses or one or two books. What Jesus did was reveal the entire story from Moses to the Prophets. The bible says He expounded to them ALL the things concerning Himself.

 Could it have been that they initially didn’t recognize their deliverance because it came through suffering? Certainly, God would not deliver them through suffering or would He?

To me the story of Emmaus is an exhortation to pray that His presence invade us whenever we study the WORD. In turn we need to be prepared to receive revelation from Him and only with Him, on the road, will our hearts burn within us.

Can you remember the last time your heart burned within you when the scriptures where revealed to you?  If not I am inviting you come to the table of the Lord open the most wonderful book ever written and believe HE will burn your heart with refreshing truths and set you ABLAZE………

Friday, January 18, 2013

Timeless Words that Challenge US today.

I have been studying the book of Luke for the past several weeks.  As I reached the 13th chapter I suddenly realized its tone takes a turn as Jesus gets closer and closer to Jerusalem.  Luke starts telling his audience about the miracle birth of Christ, the announcement of the Kingdom, instruction on loving our neighbors, grace and forgiveness.  Then suddenly, we start to hear a series of warnings that sound like this:

*   Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees

*   Watch out whatever you say in darkness will be heard in the light

*   Make sure your dressed and ready with your lamps alight

*   Beware there will be divisions amongst you

*   Don’t’ be anxious for food, drink and clothing

*   Fear the one who than can kill you and cast you into hell. ( in other words recognize the enemy)

*   Narrow is the gate

I asked myself, what was Jesus doing as He was approaching Jerusalem? He was preparing his disciples for the journey ahead of them. We all have traveled and know preparation is essential for a successful journey.

Clearly, Jesus was preparing His disciples, as well as us, with a message of grace and love. However, he warned His disciples of what was to come and what would be required.

You can feel Luke’s sense of urgency; it’s as if Luke is repeating Christ’s WORDS of LOYALTY in the face of opposition. Just like Luke we the people of God need to proclaim LOYALTY to the KING and HIS WORD. I am not implying we walk around clothed in legalism. No, absolutely not! However, in a time when words matter we must be balanced in our teaching and understanding of the WORD of God.  There is a battle in our culture and faith to steal, kill and destroy all who desire to live and obey the WORD of GOD.  As true and loyal believers of Jesus Christ the warning is as clear today as it was in the days Luke was sharing the story.

Though we may be in the midst of the battle with trust in God and devotion to His WORD we can remain alert to the schemes of the enemy. Like Luke and the Apostles we the followers of Christ must stand and be loyal to the WORD. The WORD (Logos) is not an abstract concept. The WORD was with GOD and the WORD is GOD.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


King David said, “What is man that you are mindful of Him and the son of man that YOU visit him?
On Friday, December 21, 2012 I had dream. In this dream there were several of my colleges friends. I looked around I saw two particular ladies conversing, as I glanced at them I heard the Lord say, one of them is barren go pray for her. My response was Lord I can’t tell her she is barren that would be devastating. Once I uttered those words I woke up and wondered what does this mean? I went to my facebook list of friends and there she was I had not seen nor spoken to this person in 20 years.
On December 24, 2012 after several days of pondering on the dream I decided I would message her. This is what I said:

Merry Christmas and I pray you have a blessed Christmas!

You may find this email a little strange and I would say to you read it and if you feel like it's a message for you receive it fully and if it's not then disregard it.
This past Friday night I had a very short dream. In the dream there were several of our college friends. As I looked around I saw you conversing with *****. When I saw you in the dream the Lord spoke to my heart saying that I should pray for you, and He said she is barren, so I responded Lord you know I can't say that to her. As soon as I said those words I woke up. I went about my day asking the Lord what it meant and if I should even write you. (I did pray for you!)

I know from just living life we can have barrenness in any area work, marriage, soul, spirit, finances, whatever it may be.

I want to encourage you if there is any area of barrenness, the Lord see's all things and He does concern HIMSELF with your affairs even if at times you may not feel nor see it in totality.

My prayer for you is that in this coming year the Lord will rain on any barrenness and that this coming year be a year of great productivity that you prosper spiritually and naturally. That from within your being the promises of God will resound, knowing that He is Faithful and He is the one who makes a way where there seems to be no way.

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

The Lord Bless, The Lord  keep you and the Lord Shine His countenance upon you, and the LORD grant  you peace.

Merry Christmas,

On December 31, 2012 eight days later I received an email reminding me HE STILL VISITS.

Dear Jeannette –

I haven’t written you since I could not find the words to write. In this moment that I am writing you I saw a group of doves which I understand are a sign of peace and love. God knew how much I needed a sign that He has heard my prayers and that I am of value to Him.  For this reason I was paralyzed when I received your email.

This year in particular has been extremely difficult with many trails.

On Friday night the 21st I drifted to sleep, totally exhausted, after asking God to send me encouragement. I felt devoid of hope, will, spiritual strength and much more. Barren, as you said. So, I requested a sign – a message – from Him. I told Him I was afraid that for a while now I’d been missing or misunderstanding His messages and His direction for my life. I needed to hear from Him in a peculiar way. I begged Him to speak to me, to let His message be known in a way I would know it could only come from Him.
Then, I received your message on Christmas Eve. What a great gift, Jeannette! God answered me through you. I couldn’t think of a more peculiar way, at this time, to receive His message.
Your words touched my heart deeply. It felt as if you were God’s angel delivering his specific message to me. I felt that I mattered to Him – that he hasn’t forgotten about me.

Thank you for listening to God’s voice and following His direction. It made a difference in my Christmas as I face a new year filled with unknowns and challenges.

Of particular comfort was the bible passage you included. I have read Isaiah 43:19 over and over again since I received your message. It comforts me every time.

Thank you, Jeannette. God bless you and the work your family does for the Lord.

Amazing, the same night she prays is the same night I receive the dream.  He is the LIVING GOD, who NEVER FORGETS AND STILL VISITS HIS PEOPLE.